Miss USA + Travel

Volunteer & Travel...
VolunTourism combines the experience of travel and service. Choose trips all over the world. Travel to Peru to teach English or Spanish and repair buildings, and to Kenya for bird monitoring and tree planting, to the Yucatan to assist the elderly or help preserve dolphins while living in a Greek village.

Give Back Getaways program offers Ritz-Carlton guests an opportunity to give back to the community as well. Participating in a half-day local community experience, guests will work with Community Footprints humanitarian or environmental project and then receive the royal treatment by staying at the Ritz in that location. Save blue iguana's in the Grand Cayman, travel to Kuala Lumpur for the Malaysian Rainforest Preservation, save Chilean palm trees in Santiago, help conserve Hatta Dam in Dubai or help disabled children with a music therapy program in Istanbul.