Miss USA + Travel

Glam Camping...
I like to rough it in the woods every now in then, find a remote hike in camping spot, but ever now and then it's nice to be spoiled in tented luxury! If you can't pitch a tent in the woods, but want to enjoy the outdoors, here are a few glam camping spots in the US worth checking out!

City at the Resort at Paws Up, Montana ~May through September; $595 a night, including meals

Costanoa, Half Moon Bay, CA ~ Tent Bungalows from $79-$99 mid week & 99-115 Fri/Sat

Dunton Hot Springs, Denver ~ $200 per person, private bathhouse, gourmet meals, mountain bikes, and complimentary bottle of local wine included; 970-882-4800

El Capitan Canyon, Santa Barbara, CA ~$155 per double