Next up for the Why We Blog Series is Katie Denham, author of katiedid. I have been a long time admirer of her interiors and photography. Thanks for sharing Katie!
What's a little tidbit about you? And what led you to begin the journey of blogging? I am a designer who lives in Sacramento, California. Even though Sacramento is the capital of California ( fifth....or seventh ....largest economy in the world depending on who you talk to) , the design community hereis on the cusp of becoming something new and exciting. But it is not large, and networking with other like-minded design lovers was something of a challenge. I had been working for the last ten years as the Senior Designer for a design company and felt my opportunities for change and growth were starting to dwindle.
Then one day, when researching for a project, I stumbled upon the blog Stylecourt. Author, Courtney Barnes opened up a whole new world to me. Pretty soon I was reading The Peak of Chic and Absolutely Beautiful Things with regularity. It was so inspiring! I thought, why not try it myself?! I wrote my first blog post May 3, 2007. It's kind of funny to go back a read it now. It was quite prescient. I had had it in my head for a couple of years that I was ready to move out on my own....start my own studio. But the recession hit and I didn't think the timing was right. But the universe has a way of working things out. Just as my blog was gaining some success: exposure from the Washington Post and 1st dibs, my employer was forced to downsize. At first, it was a bit of a shock. But, I had been prepared to open my own design studio for some time. The blog was the catapult that drove business my way from the getgo. I have been very fortunate to have wonderful clients and I am very busy!
What is an amazing thing that happened to you because of blogging? Because of this blog, I have met some amazing and wonderful people. Not only other bloggers who have become friends, but people in the design business who I have long admired: Margaret Russell of Elle Decor, Donna Warner of Metropolitan Home, Diane Dorrans Saeks, author of countless spectacular design books like Santa Barbara Living . I have also gotten to meet such design icons as Barbara Barry, Orlando Diaz Azcuy, James Magni, and so many more.
What Inspires You? I think what has meant the most to me is the supportive network it has provided through relationships with other bloggers. It has taken me around the world and opened up countless possibilities. There is so much talent out there and it inspires me every day.
What are you doing with my blog today? Over time, it seems to have develpoed more original content: things I am doing, places I have visited. I have gotten a bit better as a photographer, so most pictures are ones I have taken myself. I am looking forward to presenting more of my own design work as well!