Travel Journal...I love the idea of creating fun travel journals, not only to map out destinations and sites to see, but to look back on adventures and misadventures. I actually did this about 9 years ago in my trek driving cross country. What a whirlwind! I started in RI drove through PA (that was a long drive), up through the midwest states, WI, IL, MN, and then down through SD to CO and UT where most of the days were spent camping, fly fishing, kayaking, hiking and taking in the beautiful scenery of the mountains. I'm not staying true to one of my New Year's Resolutions, which was 'Travel More', but there's still time, next two stops, CA this weekend and TX in October for Austin City Limits;) I found a few creative travel logs on Black Eiffel that I had to share and that are inspiring me to get back on the road.