Cheers to Health & Baking...I'm thinking if I say it out loud, I'll miraculously feel better. It was a weekend with many many plans, but I didn't set foot out into the cold or drink and dance with friends at holiday parties. I rested up, took medicine (rare for moi, since I'm basically anti-medicine) and polished off about 8 boxes of tissues, a half a dozen movies and caught up on episodes of Californication while drinking tea. Like most days we spend in our homes restless, I organized a bit, and dreamt of all things I could bake for holiday gifts when I got better. There are only 11 days till Christmas, and so much to do. Typically my goto is Hilarie's Banana Crunch Bread, but I'm torn between a new egg nog cake recipe I'm after and decorated cookies (easiest option;). What's your favorite?