Blogger Award... I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I want to kick off this week by thanking Sarah, from Quotient for the 'Stylish Blogger Award'. So sweet of you to pick me as one of your favorite blogs, I'm honored! The rules of the selection are, pick 7 blogs to bestow the award in return, and tell 7 things about yourself. Go check out Sarah's lovely design blog! Blogs I've discovered recently that I adore: Daily CrushWit + Delight Lox Papers Bun + BoroughThe DaybookSlumber DesignsSage + Style I decided to go to the route of 7 random things I am loving at the goes: 1. Watching Glee re-runs on hulu.2. Zipcar, thank God we have a few in my building! It would be a bummer to wait for a cab with 10 bags of groceries at Whole Foods on a snowy day. Not to mention, it's a great way to learn a new city.3. Long brunches that run into the night.4. Plaid, it's a fad and I'm into it.5. Trying new recipes, and barely sticking to them. Next attempt - crab cakes. (I have to get my cousins famous recipe and will share!)6. Making the perfect playlist for a friend. 7. Planning winter getaways, first stop - Park City in 10 days + counting with a house full of my NYC friends, hooray;)