Hope you all had a nice weekend. Mine was very low-key, I've taken up working out like it's a new job. Fortunately through the cold mid-west winters all I have to do is trek up to the 44th floor of my building and hop on the treadmill. I've also been attempting some of Tracy Anderson's moves, good thing there are no hidden cameras, my dance moves are not quite as sassy as hers'. But I'm working on it. This weekend I was thinking about 'doing the unexpected', and am in the throws of change, transition, and everything new. Luckily, I sort of new what I was getting into with a big move to a new city, where I knew few people. Still, it takes effort creating this whole new life, what I know is this...I love adventures and misadventures, and doing the unexpected, it's like this picture...A cold cloudy day (instead of warm sunny one), a rocky place (instead of a pristine soft sand beach), and a picnic. There really isn't anything practical about it, it's just fun, and making the most of every setting and every day. {image via looking for source}