I am so lucky to have Alexis joining me here today from Fern and Feather to kick off the next guest post series on Walking Around. She is a dear friend and one of my favorite bloggers. I wanted to invite a few ladies to share thoughts on questions below in honor of the 3 year anniversary of my blog. Many other lovely bloggers to follow in upcoming days.
My Style Icons ...I have never thought of myself as a fashion/style gal. But when I feel the most put together I am usually wearing something simple and timeless. I always think WWJW.
My Latest Passio n...I took a calligraphy class at Alt. and I have been pretty stuck on it... I have been practicing and I am on a mission to learn it.
My Best Trait ...Oh man... I think I am good at finding amazing friends and connecting them. I love nothing more then to set up friends that become friends for life... yeah... I think I am good at that.
I Would Love to Travel to (If it's a city or island, include the actual destination, like the bungalow or hotel)...I would love to go to the Montauk Surf Lodge, It looks so amazingly dreamy.
I Feel Most Beautiful When ...Well being 15 weeks pregnant I can tell you that it is not right now ;)... I think I feel the most beautiful when I am running, doing yoga and feeling fit.
My Favorite Musical Artist of the Momen t...I am pretty in love with A Fine Frenzy right now... I love music that can choke me up and get me up and dance all on the same album.
My Winter Consists of ...hmmm... living in San Diego there is not much difference between summer and winter... so I would have to say lots of weekends at the beach but maybe in jeans more often in the winter.
I Am Grateful For ..This is the only question that I didn't really have to think about. I AM SO GRATEFUL for my husband. He is constantly surprising me with his love and support. I feel so lucky to have him by my side in this amazing journey.