Miss USA + Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger: Sacramento Street...

So lovely to have Caitlin here from Sacramento Street, she is an inspiration every day and I had the pleasure of dining with her recently in San Francisco after meeting through the world of blogging. She is sweet and creative, and sharing thoughts today on:

My Style Icons... For a while I’ve been in love with Jenna Lyons (she can do no wrong in my book) and the lovely Gwyneth Paltrow. To me they both have an effortless, yet chic style. I can always take something away from an outfit I see them wearing. Whether it’s an entire look or something as simple as how they stack their bracelets.
My Latest Passion... This may sound weird but my husband and I just started a new rule of no technology or TV after 10pm – it has been amazing. We have time to sit back and enjoy a good book or talk the night away. Even if I’m in the middle of finishing a blog post for the next day – I have to shut down my computer . . . it’s brutal, but I’ve got to say quality time with him is so much more important!
My Best Trait... Oh boy this is a hard one . . . can I say two? That I’m an over organized and clean person – everything I do has to be done a certain way, but I find because of that I get twice as much done. Sometimes my friends ask me how I do everything that I do . . . well, it’s because of the way I organize my days. The second is that I’m super friendly – I’m always trying to plan things with friends and with bloggers I meet through twitter or my blog. I’ve been this way my entire life and that’s one of the reasons I know so many people in different parts of the world. I think it’s a blessing to have friends around the globe
I Would Love to Travel to... Oh lordy, this is a long list of about a zillion places but at the top of that list are Santa Fe, New Mexico (going in March), Istanbul, Morocco + Portugal, Paris + London (every 2 to 3 years trip), Australia + New Zealand, Croatia, Copenhagen, and then a tropical vacation to either the Caribbean or back to Kauai where I went on my honeymoon.
I Feel Most Beautiful When... Right when I wake up in the morning. It’s the beginning of a brand new day!
My Favorite Musical Artist of the Moment... There is one song that gets me moving and in a good mood – it’s called “The Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine. When I need a little boost of energy and inspiration I turn this song on and start dancing on my bed – yes you heard that right…haha.
My Winter Consists of... San Francisco has strange winters – one day it will be fog with rain and hail but then the next it will be 65 degrees and sunny. I’ve come to love these winters because those little bursts of sunshine make me have a skip in my step. You can usually find me at home with my husband cooking and baking our hearts out. We’re both such homebodies.
I Am Grateful For... This is the easiest question – my husband and family. My husband is always right by my side supporting me with every endeavor I dive into. His love and support means the world to me. Without family I don’t know what I would do. They are my constant cheerleaders through my journey.