Miss USA + Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger: Tulips and Flight Suits...

Day 3 of guest posts, and I couldn't be happier to have Mary back on Walking Around. I just love her blog Tulips and Flight Suits,  where she shares her style, recipes and thoughts on marriage and life, it's so refreshing. 

My Style Icons... Gosh I could really use some of those! My mom has always teased me that I won't wear anything that isn't comfortable & I'm happiest in a white t-shirt, both of which are very true. I absolutely love J. Crew. Their clothes fit me really well, are high quality and seem to last/layer/work forever. I love the classic look with some fun/unexpected details (a skinny belt, a big bag, some stylish flats...)
My Latest Passion... Yoga. As cheesy as it sounds, it's changed my life. It's re-taught me how to breathe. It's pushed me to try new things (like standing on my head!). I've also found it's a fun thing when you travel -- I love trying out a new studio, practicing with a new teacher. It's restorative & wonderful.
My Best Trait... Eek, I think it might be my enthusiasm. I love getting excited about things -- whether it's a new restaurant, a weekend with dear friends, a cause I care about, two awesome people getting married -- I love finding the joy in things and emphasizing it.
I Would Love to Travel to… So many places! Ryan & I love traveling together -- there's something about being some place totally new together that's just so incredible. Our list keeps growing, but if you made me pick four, it'd be Croatia, Italy, Greece and Australia. I also would really love to go to Maine in the summertime.
I Feel Most Beautiful When... I'm with Ryan. In that sense, it sort of makes every day like our wedding day. He looks at me, smiles, and I just feel beautiful.
My Favorite Musical Artist of the Moment... Can I say Pandora? I've been listening to a lot of Dave Barnes & Tyrone Wells.
My Winter Consists of... Warm drinks, indoor fireplace s'mores, great blankets, comfort foods & time with people I'm crazy about.
I Am Grateful For... A really broad definition of family. My husband & I love having lots of people around our table, showing up in our friend's lives, spending our time traveling to see loved ones -- it just matters so much. (only one person in the above picture is actually related to us, they're all family)

images: pinterest 1, 2, 3, 4