Miss USA + A Few Things

A Few Things...
 Making time for breakfast every day, and making it beautiful. {image via coco + kelley}
A quote to reinspire and reinforce dreams and staying the course. {thank you escapade}
Beautiful California view, sunny, warm, hazy and green. {image via fashion toast}
A perfect spring street style. I tried a version of this yesterday...{image via pinterest}
Family picture wall and floral arranging in the kitchen space. {image via note to sarah} 
A sandy scene. Who is ready for the beach? I am, I am!!! {image via love the lamb}
Oh my, I feel like April has flown by so quickly. Thanks for all bearing with me while it was a busy time away from daily blogging. That, plus the dragging of winter and being sick gave me in the blah's, completely lacking inspiration to share. I still was able to read all of my favorite blogs through the weeks and everyone's comments kept me smiling;) These are just a few things to kick of the week.  So lovely to be back. xo