Miss USA + Just for fun

Chicago Blogger Luv...

A couple weeks ago I got together with a few fellow bloggers in Chicago for cocktails and catching up! It was so nice to put the faces to the lovely links that I read daily. Here is a list of ladies you must follow:
Alaina - http://www.livecreatingyourself.com/Jess - http://makeundermylife.com/Taylor - http://curlyinthecity-tek.blogspot.com/Danielle - http://www.breakfastattoast.com/Jillian - http://www.cornflakedreams.com/Diane - http://aspotofwhimsy.blogspot.com/Shari - http://chicagocuisinecritique.blogspot.com/Cara - http://anurbancottageblog.blogspot.com/Ashley - http://thiscitygirlslookonlife.blogspot.com/Renae - http://oliversinspiredmama.blogspot.com/Audrey - http://alovelyescape.blogspot.com/Andrea - http://chicagoquirk.blogspot.com/Alex - http://thingsthatsparkleblog.blogspot.com/Meagan - http://mo-pieplease.blogspot.com/Johanna - http://101thingsilove.blogspot.com/David - http://www.thedaileydish.com/
An extra thank you for Danielle for coordinating and taking great pics, and Rockit for hosting us!