Miss USA + Guest Bloggers

Guest Post: Fall Loves from Things that Sparkle...
Hi all, I am Alex from Things That Sparkle. I am so excited to be here today sharing the five things I'm "falling for" this fall. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year so limiting this to five is insanely difficult!
1. Lighting a fire. Is there ANYTHING better??
2. Bundling up in sweaters, boots, scarves and jackets. The fashion in fall is by far the best.
3. Baking. I don't know what it is, but the second there's a chill in the air, I feel the need to eat. Anything with pumpkin or apple preferably.

4. Making the switch to red wine, and dark red nails.
5. Fall activities. Including apple orchards and pumpkin patches. Other suggestions are welcome.
Thank you!