Well...ho hum, it's day 10 into the new year and I haven't stepped foot in a gym or exercise class. To give myself a slight break on this, I will say - I did not feel well for a few days after coming home from Mexico. But now I'm feeling great and ready to get into a routine. Bar method? Cross-fit? Treadmill? What will it be? I'm going to test out my local spots and see what gets me pumped!
As for the nutritional aspect of attempting to become more healthy this year - there is a long list. I'm happy to report I have not eaten any red meat (one small step), and I've weened myself off of drinking coffee everyday*. My family history consists of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, thyroid...you name it - so at the young age of 35 I know it's wise to pay attention to my health a little more closely. I decided to cut back on red meat - which means, I am actually giving it up cold for a few months to set the stage. Secondly, I never need caffeine - I have ALOT of energy. But, work wipes me out, and in the winter I'm certain I get S.A.D - seasonal affective disorder (which partly makes me laugh, but partly believe is real;) Not to mention, my bf makes the best coffee - that little trifecta is the perfect combination for setting me up to become sluggish every morning due to a coffee addiction I have recently acquired. AND, I was headed that way for life - for the past few months, it was a cup of coffee at home in the morning with the bf, off to work, and a tall non-fat latte with one pump of hazelnut at Starbucks. While that is a mouthful to say, it was a cup of pure yumminess. So Day 10, no morning coffee! Success. I will allow myself a weekend ritual now and then or an afternoon decaf for the taste, but I'm back to my perky morning self after only two weeks of laying off the coffee beans. The rest will come...and recipes will follow on the blog as I discuss my little health and wellness journey this year. My theme is - it's the small things, little strides and steps to keep you on the path. {images via pinterest}
*My Substitues: NO MEAT - Turkey, Pork, Chicken, Fish! NO COFFEE - Green Tea (decaf), Hot water w/lemon, honey and cinnamon.