Going Back to California... I'm heading out west again, just for a long weekend - to attend one of my best friend's weddings! Yay! Since starting my wedding blog (which I haven't had time to do lately), launching into wedding planning - with the first wedding in April next year in New York City, being in life transition, analyzing others' relationships and a great dose of 'before your birthday life pondering', and lastly, Van Morrison playing on repeat - I've been sappy and reflective. I can be a very nostalgic person in fact, my memory is long and especially clear in the details of things when it comes to special moments. This morning as I walked to work I was thinking of the great friendship I've had with all my friends, and how lucky and happy I am to not only have their love and support, but be a witness to great events like marriage. Morgan has flown cross country for moi, four years ago on this very day when my dad passed away. And now I fly out to Ojai Valley, and I literally just got teary thinking of how amazing it will be to watch two beautiful, wonderful people say 'forever'. The location of the wedding is the most amazing backdrop, ahhh, I miss California. I will be documenting my trip and cherishing it always! Best wishes to Morgan & Bill.