TGIF. I had a doozey of a week - somehow I ended up at the chiropractor 3 days out of 5 and am still going...Acrobatic injury? Crossfit gone wrong? Nope, the likely cause is my 'seated posture' - sitting at my desk at work. I could barely walk when I woke up on Monday and Tuesday. I've accosted an erganomic chair in my office and am icing every night before bed. That's how it goes. The bf was amazing, took care of me - cooked dinners, did dishes...that's why we are having date night out tonight (my treat...shhhhh;). If we don't get trapped in by the snow!! And tomorrow we are going to breakfast in Wrigleyville (close proximity to the chiro)...I'm craving warm crossaints and a latte. We'll wrap up our weekend festivities with my favorite - a dinner party. We have an amazing rotation going lately with our friends trading off on hosting pot-lucks. It's been a perfect winter weekend activity. Hope you have a great weekend. Thank you for all the sweet comments this week, I love new visitors. xx
*image via tumblr